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Villages as Businesses – Sustaining and Enhancing Caribbean Communities through Entrepreneurship
Diana McIntyre-Pike, President of Countrystyle Community Tourism Network and the International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) Caribbean chapter has announced: THE VILLAGES AS BUSINESSES programme as an economic model for sustaining and enhancing Jamaican ….

Diana McIntyre-Pike
Tourism Peace Monument to be Unveiled in Jamaica
Countrystyle Community Tourism Network (CCTN), in association with the Manchester Peace Coalition (MPCo), the Caribbean Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Livelihoods (COESL), and the Manchester Horticulture Society announce the official unveiling of the first Peace ….

Diana McIntyre-Pike
Diana McIntyre-Pike Resume
DIANA MCINTYRE-PIKE , O.D. BSc RESUME P.O BOX 78, MANDEVILLE, MANCHESTER, JAMAICA, WEST INDIES TEL: 876-507-6326 Skype: villagescctn Mrs. Diana McIntyre-Pike is a Hospitality & Tourism Consultant/Trainer specializing in community tourism and small hotel ….