Diana McIntyre-Pike

Radio Interview with Diana McIntyre-Pike

Diana McIntyre-Pike, Responsible Tourism Award – Best Personal Contribution Category
RESPONSIBLE TOURISM AWARD – BEST PERSONAL CONTRBUTION CATEGORY – FOR Nominee Diana McIntyre-Pike, Countrystyle Community Tourism Network, Jamaica Achievements in Responsible Tourism Within the last 5 years Over the last 5 years ….

Diana McIntyre-Pike Still leading the way in community tourism
IN 2009, the Government of Jamaica conferred upon Diana McIntyre-Pike the Order of Distinction for tourism and community service. Before and after that, McIntyre-Pike has received other awards, including the Caribbean Hotel Association Award (CHA) ….

Diana McIntyre Pike An episode of Jamaican Diaspora
Pride will progress to power. We are dedicated to Jamaicans on the island, in the diaspora, members of other Caribbean communities, and all progressive people who would like to learn more about us. We seek ….

Diana McIntyre-Pyke Receives Global Tourism Award
The Jamaica Tourist Board is congratulating Diana McIntyre-Pyke on her receiving the Global Tourism Award by the Wheatle Peart Global Branding Organization. She is the President/Founder of the Countrystyle Villages as Businesses Programme and President of the International Institute of Peace through Tourism (IIPT) Caribbean and was honored ….

Villages as Businesses radio interview with Diana McIntyre-Pike
Now and then on CaribHR.Radio we choose a topic that doesn’t seem to have an obvious link to Human Resources – until you pay very close attention, that is. This week’s show is a perfect ….

Diana McIntyre-Pike Resume
DIANA MCINTYRE-PIKE , O.D. BSc RESUME P.O BOX 78, MANDEVILLE, MANCHESTER, JAMAICA, WEST INDIES TEL: 876-507-6326 EMAIL:iiptcaribbean@yahoo.com Skype: villagescctn Mrs. Diana McIntyre-Pike is a Hospitality & Tourism Consultant/Trainer specializing in community tourism and small hotel ….

Diana McIntyre-Pike
Diana McIntyre-Pike OD, BSc Community Tourism Consultant/Trainer with a BSc degree in Tourism Management, Diplomas in Hotel Management, Tourism, Catering Operations, Marketing and a Certificate in Environmental Management where she studied professionally in Jamaica the ….

Recommendations; A preview of what LinkedIn members have to say about Diana
Jamaica has produced some of the greatest minds in their area of work. Diana McIntyre-Pike is a Jamaican who has been blazing a trail of success in her endeavors. As a Youth and Community Development ….