Interview with Diana McIntyre-Pike on Jamaica TV News, Focus On Dryland Tourism Vacations and Tours

Watch the Interview with Diana McIntyre-Pike on Jamaica TV News
Watch the Interview with Diana McIntyre-Pike on Jamaica TV News


The President/Founder of the Countrystyle Community Tourism Network/Villages as Businesses is planning to organize residential vacations and tours called DRYLAND TOURISM effective from the summer season as an ongoing programme.

DRYLAND TOURISM will offer residents of Jamaica exciting opportunities to stay in the diverse accommodation in Jamaica, experience the many attractions which will enable them to be able to market them to their family and friends in Jamaica and overseas.  This will be an ongoing special vacation which will give  international visitors when they eventually return, a community lifestyle experience even in the accommodation they are staying.

There are many communities near the resort hotels that have never seen inside these facilities and educational tours could be offered too to them and vice versa, hotel management and staff should get to know these communities too which will bridge the gap between them.

The CORONVIRUS 19 has motivated persons to get to know more about each other and the DRYLAND TOURISM programme will focus on offering local residents an educational experience to share with others.