IIPT Jamaica – Jamaica Community Tourism https://visitcommunities.com/jamaica Tue, 08 Oct 2019 15:40:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.5 https://i0.wp.com/visitcommunities.com/jamaica/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/cropped-0942d579affa5b76363dbd8788c86409.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 IIPT Jamaica – Jamaica Community Tourism https://visitcommunities.com/jamaica 32 32 194910565 IIPT INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF COMMUNITY TOURISM AND PEACE DECLARED FOR 2018 in Mandeville, Jamaica https://visitcommunities.com/jamaica/iipt-international-year-of-community-tourism-and-peace-declared-for-2018-in-mandeville-jamaica/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=iipt-international-year-of-community-tourism-and-peace-declared-for-2018-in-mandeville-jamaica Tue, 08 Oct 2019 15:40:10 +0000 http://visitcommunities.com/jamaica/?p=78 ....]]>

Mandeville, Jamaica, W.I. (December 4, 2017) Louis D’Amore, Founder/President of the International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT), has designated 2018 the IIPT INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF COMMUNITY TOURISM AND PEACE IN COLLABORATION WTH COUNTRYSTYLE/VILLAGES AS BUSINESSES.
In 1994, the IIPT branded JAMAICA as The Home of Community Tourism in recognition of the two pioneers of the community tourism brand and programmes in 1978 in Mandeville Jamaica, Diana McIntyre-Pike, Founder/President, Countrystyle Community Tourism Network and her late business partner Desmond Henry from Treasure Beach, Jamaica.
In 2013, on the recommendation of the IIPT Caribbean chapter, the IIPT welcomed the Caribbean Region to join as partners. The Caribbean was then also branded: HOME OF COMMUNITY TOURISM.
The IIPT INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF COMMUNITY TOURISM AND PEACE IN 2018, will celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Community Tourism internationally with Countrystyle/Villages as Businesses beginning in Jamaica with a GOSPEL CONCERT on January 1 in Apple Valley Park, Maggotty, St Elizabeth. This will be followed by the 15th Annual Resource UNIA-ACL Marcus Garvey Fair in Cross Keys, Manchester on February 25.
In August, the IIPT Global Summit will be held in Montreal, Canada with a theme of “Sustainable Tourism for Development and Peace” bringing together delegates from some 50 countries to commemorate IIPT’s 30th Anniversary Year. The Summit will include sessions on “Sustainable Community Tourism for Development and Peace” featuring ‘success stories’ and models of best practice’ from different regions of the world.
The IIPT International Year of Community Tourism and Peace will build towards the first Villages as Businesses Conference and Trade Show, in December 2018. This first of its kind event will be hosted by IIPT Caribbean in partnership with the IIPT International Community Tourism Network, UWI Open Campus and other local and international organizations.
The IIPT International Community Tourism Network will be coordinating the 2018 celebrations and encourage communities worldwide to launch sustainable community tourism projects and events for development and peace – in their countries and join us in celebrating the IIPT International Year of Community Tourism and Peace in collaboration with Countrystyle/Villages as Businesses programme.
Contact: IIPT International Community Tourism Network Secretariat Tel: 876-507-6326 | Mandeville, Jamaica | Email:iiptcaribbean@yahoo.com
About International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT): The International Institute For Peace Through Tourism (IIPT) is a not for profit organization dedicated to fostering and facilitating tourism initiatives which contribute to international understanding and cooperation, an improved quality of the environment, the preservation of heritage, and through these initiatives, helping to bring about a peaceful and sustainable world.
It is based on a vision of the world’s largest industry, travel and tourism – becoming the world’s first global peace industry; and the belief that every traveler is potentially an “Ambassador for Peace. A primary goal of IIPT is to mobilize the travel and tourism industry as a leading force for poverty reduction. www.iipt.org

About Countrystyle Community Tourism Network /Villages as Businesses:
Countrystyle Community Tourism Network/Villages as Businesses see communities as destinations for responsible visitors and for Community Tourism to be the vehicle for sustainable development and prosperity. Villages hold the destiny of the country within them. Every community and every citizen is a potential tourism business partner with the chance to improve earnings and become empowered and educated through involvement in the expanded industry (value chain). However, to become an effective partner, every community, and every citizen needs to understand how to value their natural, cultural, heritage and human assets and to add value to them through conservation, creativity, and education. as well as, the importance to the cause of peace, poverty alleviation and sustainable development. www.accesscommunitytourism.com www.villagesasbusinesses.com

IIPT International Year Of Community Tourism And Peace Declared For 2018 https://visitcommunities.com/jamaica/iipt-international-year-of-community-tourism-and-peace-declared-for-2018/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=iipt-international-year-of-community-tourism-and-peace-declared-for-2018 Wed, 02 Oct 2019 04:46:03 +0000 http://visitcommunities.com/jamaica/?p=54 ....]]>
Diana McIntyre-Pike (left), president and founder of Countrysyle Community Tourism Network and Dr Luz Longsworth, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Principal of The UWI Open Campus shake hands after signing the formal agreement between both organizations to expand the training of persons in community tourism in Jamaica and across the Caribbean over the next two years.

Louis D’Amore, founder and president of the International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT), has designated 2018 the IIPT International Year of Community Tourism and Peace in collaboration with Countrystyle/Villages as Businesses.

In 1994, the IIPT branded Jamaica ‘The Home of Community Tourism’ in recognition of the two pioneers of the community tourism brand and programmes, Diana McIntyre-Pike, founder and president of Countrystyle Community Tourism Network, and her late business partner, Desmond Henry from Treasure Beach, Jamaica.

In 2013, the IIPT welcomed the Caribbean region to join as partners. The Caribbean was then also branded ‘Home of Community Tourism’.

The IIPT International Year of Community Tourism and Peace will mark the 40th anniversary of community tourism, which Country-style/Villages as Businesses began in Jamaica.


Celebrations in Jamaica will begin on January 1 with a gospel concert in Apple Valley Park, Maggotty, St Elizabeth, and will continue at the 15th Annual Resource UNIA-ACL Marcus Garvey Fair in Cross Keys, Manchester, on February 25.

The 2018 IIPT International Year of Community Tourism and Peace will also commemorate IIPT’s 30th anniversary.

In August 2018, the IIPT will hold its global summit in Montreal, Canada, under the theme ‘Sustainable Tourism for Development and Peace’.

The summit will bring together delegates from some 50 countries and feature success stories and models of best practices from different regions of the world.

The IIPT International Year of Community Tourism and Peace will build towards the first Villages as Businesses Conference and Trade Show, to be held in Jamaica in December 2018.

This first-of-its-kind event will be hosted by IIPT Caribbean in partnership with the IIPT International Community Tourism Network, UWI Open Campus and other local and international organisations.

The IIPT International Community Tourism Network will be coordinating the 2018 celebrations and has encouraged communities worldwide to launch sustainable community tourism projects and events for development and peace in their countries and to join in celebrating the year.
