Project proposal
The proposed golden triangle project brings together three communities which are examples of how communities can organize themselves and acquire the training and experience to operate successfully as businesses in the promotion of well-being and peace.
The strength of the proposed project lies both in the track record of each community and in their diversity. By making the three-way connection, each participant community will build on the experience of the others and together create a model that any community in jamaica has the inherent capacity/can be encouraged to follow.
Vision: developing communities as businesses
Mission – transforming local communities – inclusive peaceful, caring and enterprising neighbourhoods
Strategic objectives:
- The triangle approach with mandeville and its environs/treasure beach/trench town – a model for holistic development of communities
- Welcome home celebrating jamaica’s 60th diamond anniversary 2022
- Developing jamaica diaspora study tours
Proposed principal stakeholders to be involved for the model
International institute for peace through tourism (iipt)
Making connections work uk/diaspora connect 2022 (representing clusters of multi-sector creative entrepreneurs)
Manchester and environs:
- Manchester peace coalition (mpco)
- Manchester wellness foundation (manwell)
- Manchester parish development committee (mpdc)
- Manchester municipal corporation (mmc)
- Manchester conflict resolution association (mcra)
- Countrystyle villages as businesses (cctn/vab)
Treasure beach:
- Treasure beach community groups
- Southfield community tourism network
Trench town community development organization
Targeted government and major non-government stakeholders to be involved
Ministry of industry, agriculture, fisheries, investment
Ministry of tourism – tpdco, jtb, linkages network
Ministry of health
Ministry of education
Ministry of economic development and job creation
Social development commission
Jamaica business development centre
Jamaica development bank
Jamaica national security
Jamaican diaspora canada and usa including the jamaica diaspora crime prevention, represented by dr. Clovis nelson
British high commission
Canadian high commission
Us embassy
Training organizations
Uwi open campus
Northern caribbean university
Academy for community tourism
Communications and social media
Planned events 2019
Official launch of community tourism study tour packages in partnership with uwi open campus – dec ( date to be confirmed)
Planned events 2020
Celebration of countrystyle community tourism award – presentation in association with diaspora making connection work uk 2022 jan 12 2020
Community tourism retreat facilitated by the ministry of agriculture/ministry of tourism, countrystyle villages as businesses, making connections work/diaspora connect 2022 uk, and other community tourism partners – date to be announced
Feedback from manchester peace coalition
Manchester peace coalition is wishing to establish homework centres and have received funding from the canada fund for 5 communities
Website being developed to see what the projects are to get support
Focusing on 18 at risk communities in manchester to develop training programme and have a social intervention – 6 communities will be identified to start the programme
Feedback from rudi page making connections work uk
5th generation diaspora interested in assisting jamaica – was the response from rudi page
Commitment to develop the proposed ‘triangle’ approach towards the holistic development of three areas – treasure beach and its environs/mandeville and its environs/trench town and it environs
Proposed welcome home diaspora 2022 package