Myanmar Rural and Countryside Tour

Myanmar, formerly Burma, is now more politically relaxed. The charms of both the country and the people are enormous. Myanmar is one destination where the local inhabitants make a difference. Not only are they friendly and charming but also considerate and engaging. Just observe the smiles. The country itself is immersed in the Buddhist religion which permeates everyday life, to be experienced on a Myanmar tour.


Day 1


Arrival at Yangon airport about 09:15 am by Thai Airway.
Transfer to the Hotel in the center of Town . Visit to Chaukhtatgyi pagoda, the huge Gigantic reclining Buddha Image, and stroll up near Karaweik Royal floating barge. By the sun down visit Shwedagon pagoda and watch the activity of Pagoda platform. Dinner and overnight in Yangon.


Watch the Buddhist monks going for alms round in the morning. Proceed to Moeinkyi Bird Centuary to watch the flocks of water ducks. Learn the purchasing of vegetables and fruits at Baina village. Stop at Thuhtaykon village to see the remains of Indian farmers since the British time. Zeyawaddy is the biggest Indian town where many Indian descendant live. They were forced to come Myanmar by the British to establish the rice plantations. Some visit Taungoo in and around . Accommodation at Myanmar Beauty or Myanmar Hla guest house.


Morning overland drive to Kalaw. Watch the Burmese Cheroot making in Tatkone. Again learn the cottage industry of dairy product in Yamethin. Stretch out our legs by walking a bit near the Meikhtila lake. Then start driving on the ranges of the mountains up to Kalaw but stop at Yinmarbin village to watch the country life of the people, and timber furniture work.Tansfer to the Hotel.



 Day 2

Morning, depart for Bago with the stop at Shwenyaungbin Spirit house, and Htaukkyant War Cemetery. Proceed to Hleku and watch the populace at the local market. Continue to Kyaikpon 4-seated huge Buddha Images, and visit Shwethahlaung Reclining Buddha Image, and Kahlani sima of the prototype of ordination hall. Then Visit Shwemawdaw pagoda that is even higher than Shwedagon Pagoda of Yangon, and study the life of the Buddhist monks at Kyachutwaing Monastery where a large numbers of monks in different age and levels are studying Buddhism. Sunset from Hinthagone Pagoda, and overnight in Bago.

Day 4

Early morning drive into in the forest to see the live elephants and Teak production being carried out by Myanmar Timber Enterprise. Learn the life of man’s best forklift, the Elephants, their refresher training camp, and watch the working Elephants. (Only if weather allowed) Continue Shwetaung Ngwetaung Karen village to learn the life of Karen people. Visit from house to house to watch their daily work (Trying to sleep at the village).